¡Envío gratuito a todo Canadá!

  • ¡Envío gratis en todo!

  • Devoluciones sin complicaciones

  • Servicio de atención al cliente experto

  • Selección imbatible

Andador con ruedas más ligero del mundo, ¡ahora con un 20% de descuento!

¡Levante con sólo una mano!


Get 25% off your first purchase and 5% off every monthly reorder on eligible items of everyday essentials!

Marcas populares

Wound Care

Ensure proper healing with our high-quality and budget friendly wound care products. We provide essential supplies for fast recovery and protection.

Flexible payment options with

WHY BeHope?

  • BeHope offers a vast range of affordable products, ensuring that everyone can access quality essentials.
  • We believe in making everyday necessities and specialized items accessible without compromising on quality.
  • Our mission is to combine affordability, quality, and accessibility, so you can find what you need with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions


What countries do you ship to?

We currenlty ship to Canada and USA

How long will it take to receive my order?

Usually it takes 2-5 business days (if item in stock) otherwise it would 10-12 days

Returns and Refunds

How do I return a product?

  1. Check eligibility – Returns must be within 30 days, and items must be in original condition.
  2. Contact support – Call  +1 844 443 0591 or start an Online return
  3. Return the item – Shipping label will be provided
  4. Rentals? Return by the due date to avoid late fees.

Note: Some items may be excluded—check your order details.

How long can I apply for refund?

Refunds can be applied within 30 days